Santri, New Generation of Indonesian Moslem

Santri, Symbol of scientic spirit
Santri is student who obeyed religion law and lived at tradotional moslem school (Pesantren ). They are moslem leader candidate who will build, guide and develop society life in many sector like economy, social, culture especially religion sector.

 In the morning  they study  in formal school like out student generally, they study about general science like geograpy, health, English, Mathematic, Arabic and so on, it is prepared for facing globalitation era and help them to compete inprogres era.

After school they study in pesantren with ustadz (Islamic teacher), sesepuh (old teacher) until study with Kyai (the leader of pesantren).They research many classic book and islamic science like Tafsir, Hadits, akhlak, fiqih, Ushul fiqh, falak (Astronomy), tauhid, nahwu, shorof, etc. All of are prepared for face and guide the Society life.They are taught by kyai who always teach many various science, gives religion guidance and islamic examples.

 A santri’s succes is not apart from kyai’s guidance whinch guide and teach them sincerely, usually kyai is a rich man but he is donor person, wellmannered, respecful always ready to welcome whoever come to pesantren by warm reception.

KH. Masruru A. Mughni, a Kyai at Al-Hikmah
Today santri’s education system combine between islamic and general science. It is proven that many pesantren have infrastructure for developing santri’s skill for example a   pesantren named Al-Hikmah 02 located in Benda which provide biology laboratory, audio visual laboaratory, computer, greenhouse, internet library in the school for facing global market and also provides many workshop like dressmaking, welding, fishery, and agriculture. After mastered the skill, they nwill apply that knowledge to big bussines,factory anf tourm object (espesial for English skill) at least 2 weeks, finally they will get sertification which equal 3 years diploma programme.

Every years many parents send to pesantren their children, there they will become santri who mastered religion law and science technology to face the future. I hope, many santri can change moslem condition become progressive humanity in future.
Santri, new generation of Indonesian moslem


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